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Adenium obesum

pure adenium multiflorum

Adenium obesum ssp.multiflorum

Plants and Seeds For sale HERE


The Adenium or "Desert Rose" is an extraordinary tropical plant

Coming essentialy from East Africa, where it is found under different "subspecies" in countries like Sudan, Yemen, Socotra , Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe. The appelation appear to become from "Aden", which should indicate the area of the Gulf which has the same name, at the mouth of the Red Sea on the Indian Ocean side.

It is a small tree, under wich principal caracteristics are:

- A caudex, sort of big bulge under the branches

- A beautiful and abundant flowering, with colors from pale rose to dark red

- Longevity, many hundred years

- Resistance to dryness.

Adenium or Desert Rose

The Adenium has naturaly the aspect of a bonsaļ but is not one.

It is almost impossible to stay indifferent in front of this plant, going from curiosity at the begining to admiration and often respect finally...

Some Subspecies of Adenium


Adenium obesum ssp.boehmianum

The "lis impala" growing in Namibia and Angola, in the bush, reach 2 meters. The leaves are the largest of Adeniums, 10 to 15 cm long. Flowers are from pale pink to deep purple with a dark purple throat.


Adenium obesum ssp.multiflorum

From Zimbabwe, Tanzanie and north east of South Africa. Definitively the most beautiful flower of all subspecies, the "white star on red background" (see photo at the top of this page). The plant is flowering one time per year and need a period of dryness for flowering in abundance. The seedlings are slow growing, compared with the "classic" obesum ssp.obesum. (Plants and Seeds For sale HERE )


Adenium obesum ssp.obesum

the best known of Desert roses, from the south of Arabic peninsula , Natal, or Tanzania. It can reach several meters high, with an impressive green-grey caudex. The leaves are 3 to10 cm long and oval at their extremities. (Plants and Seeds For sale HERE )


Adenium obesum ssp.oleifolium

from northen Cap area in South Africa, south eastern Namibia and south of Bostwana. The caracteristic leaves are allmost green-grey and glaucous, 10cm long and 0.5 to 1.5 cm wide. The flowers are dark-pink.


Adenium obesum ssp.socotranum

endemic of Socotra Island, off Yemen. The giant of Adeniums. Become 1 to several meters tall and the trunc is massive and straight . Stems are conical.


Adenium obesum ssp.somalense

live in Somalia. The form of the caudex is conical. The plant can reach 3 meters.


Adenium obesum ssp.swazicum

from Natal and Swaziland. Seems like Adenium boehmianum, but the leaves are a little wider and 1 to 3cm shorter and the anther tails do not reach up the mouth of the tube wich is glabrous. Flowers dark pink to red, similar as boehmianum.

Plants and Seeds For sale HERE

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