Euphorbia graciliramea
[ Euphorbiaceae ]
[ Tanzania ]
Euphorbia graciliramea
Seeds (3) : Out of Stock
Plant : Out of Stock

Flowering plant . Plant which can be grown as a Bonsai . Succulent Plant .

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 soil + 2 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. 17C


Rarely ( when the substrate is dry )

Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer

Regularly but with spacing
No pruning
Repot every year if possible

Your comments concerning Euphorbia graciliramea are welcome!
So, if you have experiences to share with other amateurs over the World, please write a comment concerning:

Germination HERE
Cultivation HERE
Generalities HERE

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2 Cuttings : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

0 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) :
6.65 €

Plant (seedling) :
19.95 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

2 Cuttings : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Cutting :
5.32 €

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (6) :
2.66 €

0 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) :
26.6 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

2 Cuttings :
6.65 €

Plant : Out of Stock

Cutting :
6.65 €

Plant (rooted cutting) :
14.63 €

2 Cuttings :
6.65 €

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

2 Cuttings :
5.32 €

Plant :
11.97 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) :
11.97 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (5) : Out of Stock

Plant :
11.97 €

Cutting : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) :
15.96 €

Seeds (5) :
3.99 €

Seeds (100) : Out of Stock

Plant 25cm : Out of Stock

Plant 15-20cm :
11.97 €

Seeds (4) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant 15-20cm : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (5) : Out of Stock

Plant :
7.98 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) 10-15cm :
15.96 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (seedling) :
19.95 €

Plant 5-8cm : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (seedling) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) :
11.97 €

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (4) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds(4) :
3.99 €

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

2 Cuttings :
6.65 €

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Plant (rooted cutting) : Out of Stock

Saint Leu - Reunion

Copyright © Le Jardin Naturel