One of the six species of baobabs endemic from Madagascar, perhaps the better known of Malagasy baobabs, and for a lot of people, the most aesthetical of all baobabs. A pure gem. Often represented on the front cover of books dealing with Madagascar.
Large trees up to 25m tall and 3m diameter of trunk which is usually unique and cylindrical. The crown is at the top of the tree and flat; the branches are regurlarly distributed, mainly horizontal. Bark reddish grey, smoth. The flowers are white, yellowing whith age.
Seeds (5) : 9.31 €
Cutting (unrooted) 20-25cm : 9.31 €
Plant 15-25cm : 26.6 €
zone 11 = Winter minimum temperature 4C to 10C (40F to 50F) Savanna Grassland Savanna Woodland Dry tropical forests
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Resitant to salty sea air Drought-Tolerant Medicinal Plant
Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth
1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus
Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C
Extremely rare
Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer