Famous for the incredible color of the newly opened leaf, this exciting and comparatively new-to-cultivation palm is easy to look after, performs well as an interior palm, and adds special something to the garden with its bright red, new leaves. Germination of the large seeds is quite fast and easy, and it is a robust, adaptable and steady grower. Mature plants sport a slender, ringed trunk and elegantly recurved, very thick and leathery leaves. Warm temperate to tropical climates suit it best and it can even take an occasional light frost. |
Seeds (3) : 在庫切れ
Plant 25-30cm : 在庫切れ
雌雄異株 (雄花と雌花の両方をつける植物)
羽状の葉 (羽状)
基板 |
冬の気温 |
照明 |
冬季の水やり |
暑い季節の水やり |
成長中の肥料 |
剪定 |
植え替え |

砂利 1 個 + 土 1 個 + 腐植土 1 個

冬季の室内温度は最低 17℃