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Coccothrinax crinita
[Coccothrinax crinita ssp.crinita]

[ Palmae ]
[ Cuba ]
This magnificient palm has a slim trunk that is thickly covered with long, dense and woolly, pale brown fibers, giving the palm a most bizarre appearance. Once past the slow seedling stage, it grows faster than might be imagined. It thrives in most warm temperate and tropical areas and will even take a short, light frost without damage. It prefers a sunny situation and needs well drained soil. Makes a fascinating potted plant as well. Seeds are always rare and in short supply, so hurry.
Coccothrinax crinita

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

植 25-35cm : 缺货

Palm tree .
zone 12 = Winter minimum temperature above 10C (above 50F)
Savanna Grassland
Dry tropical forests

More Details ...
Monoecious ( Plant bearing both male and female flowers )
Solitary ( single-stemmed )
Pinnate Leaves ( Feather-like )
Resitant to salty sea air

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. 17C


Rarely or from time to time

Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer

Rarely and with parsimony
No pruning
Repot from time to time

种子 (5) : 缺货

种子 (3) :
3.99 €

种子 (5) :
3.99 €

种子 (50) :
19.95 €

种子 (100) :
26.6 €

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

种子 (50) : 缺货

植 : 缺货

种子 (3) :
3.99 €

种子 (50) :
29.26 €

植 : 缺货

种子 (3) :
3.99 €

种子 (50) :
30.59 €

植 : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

Saint Leu - Reunion

Copyright © Le Jardin Naturel