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Dialium guineense
[ Fabaceae ]
[ Tropical Africa ]
Called "Velvet tamarind" in English, "Solom" in Senegal, "Black cat" in Ivory Cost, "Moke" in Guinea, "Assisouin" in Benin, and "Attitoe" in Togo. The fruit, in the form of a token of 2 to 3cm in diameter, is covered with a black velvet containing a brown-orange pulp of very pleasant flavor, slightly acidulous and sweet, which makes this fruit very popular with local people. The bark, leaves and roots also are used for their therapeutic virtues. Its fruit is found to be very rich in glucose and fructose in addition to being a good source of iron, magnesium, copper and protein. Presence of tannins and low level of ascorbic acid.
Dialium guineense

种子 (3) :
3.99 €

植 20-25cm : 缺货

Tree . Fruiting plant . Plant which can be grown as a Bonsai .

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 soil + 2 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. 17C


Rarely ( when the substrate is dry )

Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer

Regularly but with spacing
No pruning
Repot every year if possible

Saint Leu - Reunion

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