4-4.5 inch rich red flowers with white spotted tip, deep coloration, and big cluster of blossoms. Dark red color under hot tropical conditions. Keeping quality is top notch, excellent for lei making. Fragrance is awesome with its spicy sweet scent. Texture is thick and velvety. Tree will get large with age and grows fast. Pop's Red was discovered on Oahu Island (or Big island) while plumeria hunting in the mid 1990s while a preacher was cutting up his plumeria tree in his front yard. He was moving his plumeria tree. Noticing that it was spectacular, and asked him what do you call it? After further prodding, he said it was called Pop's, a nickname given to him while he served on City Council in Oahu. |
Seeds (3) : 在庫切れ
Cutting 20-25cm : 在庫切れ
Plant (rooted cutting) 25-30cm : 在庫切れ
基板 |
冬の気温 |
照明 |
冬季の水やり |
暑い季節の水やり |
成長中の肥料 |
剪定 |
植え替え |

砂利 2 個 + 土 1 個 + 腐植土 1 個

冬の室内温度は最低 11 ~ 16 ℃