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Dypsis cabadae
[Chrysalidocarpus cabadae]

[ Palmae ]
[ Comores ]
While it has only very recently been rediscovered in the wild in rainforest on the Comoro Islands, it can be seen, albeit rarely, in cultivation in some private and botanic gardens, and should indeed be much more widely cultivated. It is a clustering species with leathery, glossy green leaves, scarlet red fruits, and slim, attractively ringed, slender, blueish green trunks. It requires a tropical or subtropical climate and also make an excellent houseplant when young.
Dypsis cabadae

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

Palm tree .
zone 11 = Winter minimum temperature 4C to 10C (40F to 50F)
Rocky Hillsides
Tropical Highland Forests above 600m
Tropical Lowland Forests 0-600m
Savanna Woodland

More Details ...
Clustered ( With several stems in the same individual )
Pinnate Leaves ( Feather-like )

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C


Rarely or from time to time

Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer

From time to time when necessary
No pruning
Repot from time to time

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (4) : 缺货

种子 (100) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) :
15.96 €

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

种子(4) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (5) :
3.99 €

种子 (100) :
13.3 €

种子 (1000) :
66.5 €

植 (Seedling) :
15.96 €

种子 (6) :
3.99 €

种子 (100) :
19.95 €

植 (Seedling) :
19.95 €

种子 (3) :
3.99 €

植 (Seedling) :
26.6 €

种子 (5) : 缺货

种子 (50) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 (Seedling) : 缺货

Saint Leu - Reunion

Copyright © Le Jardin Naturel