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Licuala peltata var. sumawongii
[Licuala elegans]

[ Palmae ]

This is the magnificent and much desired, entire-leaved variety of Licuala peltata, sometimes erroneously also called Licuala elegans. It is a moderately sized palm with usually only a short trunk, and its crown holds as many as 15 huge, flat, undivided fan leaves up to 2 m (7 ft.) in diameter! This species is much more tolerant of cool conditions than nearly any other Licuala and it will thrive in subtropical and tropical conditions.
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 : 缺货

Palm tree .
zone 12 = Winter minimum temperature above 10C (above 50F)
Tropical Lowland Forests 0-600m
Tropical Rainforests

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Monoecious ( Plant bearing both male and female flowers )
Solitary ( single-stemmed )
Palmate Leaves ( Shaped like the palm of a hand )

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C


Rarely or from time to time

Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer

From time to time when necessary
Repot from time to time

种子 (3) : 缺货

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 25-30cm : 缺货

种子 (5) : 缺货

植 30cm : 缺货

Saint Leu - Reunion

Copyright © Le Jardin Naturel