Turmeric has long been used in Asian traditional medicine as a stomach tonic and blood purifier, and for the treatment of liver ailments, skin diseases and wound healing. It also was used externally, to heal sores, and as a cosmetic.
In Thailand, Turmeric rhizomes have been use to treat dizziness, gonorrhea and peptic ulcers and as an appetite stimulant, carminative, astringent and antidiarrheal. Externally the rhizome is used to treat insect bites, ringworm, wounds, bleeding, and the teeth and gums.
In Thailand, Turmeric is one of the most important folk remedies, with official sanction for use. Among the herbs often classified as spices, Turmeric is one of the best-researched for pharmacological effects.
Today, it is considered potentially beneficial in treating or reducing symptoms associated with a wide range of health conditions, due to its antioxidant, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. |
Planta : Fuera de stock
Zona 11 = Minimo en invierno 4C hasta 0C (40F hasta 0F)
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Cespitoso o multiplicando (Dicese de una palmera que produce varios estipites a partir de la base)
Crecimiento rapidamente
Planta Medicinal
Cultivo como Planta de Interior
Substrato (en proporciones) |
Temperatura invernala |
Exposicion |
Riegos en periodo frio |
Riegos en periodo caliente |
Abono en periodo de crecimiento |
Tamanos |
Trasplantes |
1 grava + 1 tierra + 1 mantillo
en interior en invierno temperatura de 11 hasta 6C minimo
muy Luminoso hasta soleado
poco o de vez en cuando
regular y abundantemente, pero evitar que el pote ' pasa ' por parte inferior
regularmente pero espacia
Trasplante si es posible todos los anos