Latania is a genus of 3 species, all native to the Mascarene Islands. They have stiff costapalmate leaves, giving them a unique appearance, and they make excellent pot palms when young. They are easy and satisfying to grow, not fussy and will flourish in a wide range of frost-free, warmer climates. The three species are distinguishable especially when young by the colour of the leafstalks for which they are named. Latania lontaroides or 'Red Latan' has reddish leaves and red leafstalks when young.
Seeds (3) : 5.32 €
Seeds (100) : 133 €
Seeds (500) : 598.5 €
Seeds (1000) : 1064 €
Plant 30-40cm : Out of Stock
Tropical Lowland Forests 0-600m Savanna Woodland
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Dioecious ( When staminate and pistillate flowers are borne on different plants ) Solitary ( single-stemmed ) Palmate Leaves ( Shaped like the palm of a hand ) Costapalmate Leaves ( Shaped like the palm of a hand and having a short midrib of costa ) Resitant to salty sea air Drought-Tolerant Colored leaves
Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth
1 soil + 2 humus
Indoor during winter temperature min. 17C
Rarely ( when the substrate is dry )
Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer