Livistona chinensis
' Chinese Fan Palm '
[ Palmae ]
[ China ]
A much-loved fan palm who makes a superb potted palm for the home or terrace. In warmer climates and over a period of years, it grows into a handsome, medium-sized tree with a slender trunk. The broad, lime green leaves have elegantly drooping and curled tips, which gives rise to its other name, "Fountain palm." The fruits are blue. It shows a good tolerance to cold and frost and may be used in the sheltered temperate garden, but will also happily accept hot and humid tropical conditions.
Seeds (3) : 3.99 €
Seeds (50) : 31.92 €
Plant (Seedling) : 15.96 €
Tropical Lowland Forests 0-600m Subtropical
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Solitary ( single-stemmed ) Monoecious ( Plant bearing both male and female flowers ) Resitant to salty sea air Drought-Tolerant Palmate Leaves ( Shaped like the palm of a hand ) Fast-Growing
Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth
1 soil + 2 humus
Indoor during winter temperature min. 17C
Rarely ( when the substrate is dry )
Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer