Plumeria Stenophylla leaves are shiny, long and thin.
The flower petals are also long and thin, resembling to those of Plumeria stenopetala, and have a wider gap between each petal than a Plumeria rubra. As with Plumeria obtusa, they are generally only available in shades of white. The fragrance of the flowers is very pleasant.
Plumeria Stenophylla is a well shaped bushy shrub with a long lasting flower display. It grows to approximately 2.5m. |
Seeds (2) : 在庫切れ
Cutting 15-20cm : 在庫切れ
Plant (rooted cutting) 20-25cm : 在庫切れ
基板 |
冬の気温 |
照明 |
冬季の水やり |
暑い季節の水やり |
成長中の肥料 |
剪定 |
植え替え |

砂利 2 個 + 土 1 個 + 腐植土 1 個

冬の室内温度は最低 11 ~ 16 ℃