Native to the Atlantic coast of central Brazil, where it grows in coastal forest on sandy soils, it produces a short, slender trunk that carries a small, dense, upright crown of glossy green feather leaves with stiff, very leathery segments. In cultivation, it grows well in the warm temperate or tropical garden, where it will withstand considerable coastal exposure, or as an indoor palm that tolerates a lot of neglect and dry air. Plants start flowering when still young, and the inch-long, coconut-like fruits considerably add to its charm. |
基板 |
冬の気温 |
照明 |
冬季の水やり |
暑い季節の水やり |
成長中の肥料 |
剪定 |
植え替え |

土壌 1 + 腐植土 2

冬季の室内温度は最低 17℃