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Plumeria rubra CHARLOTTE EBERT
[X*Giant Plastic Pink, Giant Pink]

[ Apocynaceae ]

Pink. A very large soft pastel pink flower with very large flower heads. Gardenia scent, aka giant plastic pink. Formerly J.L. Giant
Pink. Soft pink flowers of exceptional size (to 5"). Golden eye. Wide petals are very overlapped. One of the most popular among collectors and named
for a Hawaiian benefactor of native ancestry.The petals slightly curve back.
Sweet rose / Gardenia / coconut jasmine fragrance. The flowers are darker pink upon opening then aging to a lighter pink. All shades appear in the
cluster at the same time. Sweet, very enchanting fragrance. Most desirable plumeria for fragrance Semi-tall tree with an open canopy.
Plumeria rubra CHARLOTTE EBERT

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Pianta da fiori.Pianta a fiori profumati.

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Pianta d’interno
substrato (in proporzioni)
Temperatura invernale

2 ghiaia + 1 terra + 1 Humus

in ambienti interni in inverno temperatura da 11 a 16C min
Annaffiature durante il periodo freddo

Molto luminosa o Assolato

rari (quando il vaso è secco)
Annaffiature durante il periodo caldo
Concime durante il periodo di crescita

Regolarmente ed abbondantemente, ma evitare che il vaso coli da sotto

Regolarmente ma intervallato
No Taglio
Trapianto da effettuarsi tutti gli anni

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Saint Leu - Reunion

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