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Plumeria stenophylla

Plumeria Stenophylla leaves are shiny, long and thin. The flower petals are also long and thin, resembling to those of Plumeria stenopetala, and have a wider gap between each petal than a Plumeria rubra. As with Plumeria obtusa, they are generally only available in shades of white. The fragrance of the flowers is very pleasant. Plumeria Stenophylla is a well shaped bushy shrub with a long lasting flower display. It grows to approximately 2.5m.       

種子 (2) : 5.32 €
切断 15-20cm : 15.96 €
プラント (根付き切断) 20-25cm : 在庫切れ ここをクリックして、このアイテムが再び入手可能になり次第お知らせを受け取ります。